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Meet the family: Tau Faaeteete, Wellington Youth Worker

joined the Zeal Wellington team at the start of the year, and handles the youth work and events in the windy city. We had a yarn to him about Zeal culture and Snickers milkshakes – read on below!

How did you first get involved with Zeal?

Tau: I moved to Wellington at the beginning of the year and when I was looking for work I found a position at Zeal Wellington. Never heard of Zeal until got into Wellington

What does your typical day at Zeal look like?

Tau: A lot of planning, but also a whole lot of FUN.

What do you do in your spare time?

Tau: Spend time with my family and friends, Paint & Movies

What are some epic moments you’ve had during your time at Zeal so far?

Tau: Had a few epic moments at camp – young people spewing up and fire soccer at the beach when it was super cold! Great time of connecting.

What’s some advice you would pass on to someone wanting to work with youth?

  • Be you.
  • Get mentors (people who have been working with young people for many years).
  • Be teachable.
  • Value the potential of our young people.

What are some places anyone visiting Wellington should check out?

Tau: Maranui in Lyall Bay. Great vibe and views. Order the Snickers milkshake. It won’t disappoint, the best in all of New Zealand

What are your plans for Zeal in 2018?

Tau: Continue to learn the culture and be able to bring some ideas to add to what is already happening.

Read more from Wellington:

“If you want a 9-5 job, this isn’t for you, but living a life in the service of others is the most fulfilling thing you will ever do.”

Zeal Wellington took over Buzz Cafe in Lower Hutt for an Open Mic night – an awesome space, beautiful vibes, great food and coffee.